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Talbert Lifestyle Family Photography Session Knoxville, TN

Writer: sweetestmomentsphotossweetestmomentsphotos

Family of seven standing in front of a cattle hauler semi for their annual fall family photography session with sweetest moments photography in knoxville tn
Knoxville Family Photography Session by Sweetest Moments Photography

Lifestyle Family Photography Session with Sweetest Moments Photography in Knoxville, TN

I'm going to be completely honest, I normally don't get very nervous when it comes to meeting new clients and booking sessions with new people! Now, I do get the excited "butterfly" feeling right before a session whether or not I've met you before, but that's more because I just absolutely love what I do and you give me the opportunity to do it and be creative; which I greatly appreciate!

I'm also going to be honest and tell you that this session defied the odds and pushed me out of my creative comfort zone a little; which in turn definitely made me nervous. When Rachel (the mom) reached out to me she told me that, "A friend of mine recommended you for family pictures and after seeing your work we’re sure that you are the photographer for our family!" After reading that opening sentence, I was doing a little happy dance..and then obviously I kept reading..."My husband is a cattle hauler and wants to be able to include his truck and trailer in our family pictures as we feel she’s part of the family." I was like okay!! This is something new and different and I definitely want to do this! Living close to a small cow farm myself I was totally expecting just a dually and a small trailer that could hold a few cows...NOPE...To my surprise what I had envisioned as a cattle hauler was indeed nothing at all like it really was. I was not expecting a 50+ foot long trailer that could hold more than 40 cows!

After lots of correspondence back and forth trying to find a location to accommodate a truck the size of this one we finally found a spot (thanks to the help of Kasey my photographer friend:)) and it worked out perfect!

My husband has always told me that if you aren't nervous, you aren't growing and he's completely right. Being scared of doing something slightly out of your comfort zone shouldn't make you turn away from opportunities that could lead to growth and I'm so glad that I could make this session work and to help it be more meaningful to this sweet family!

I can now say that I've been inside the back of a cattle hauler and it was really cool! Kudos to all the truckers out there that can drive these sorts of trucks because I just can't even imagine! I am going to stick to being a photographer, ha! Also, I just have to share with you some of my favorite images from this lifestyle family photography session with Sweetest Moments Photography in Knoxville, TN.

All images were captured by Knoxville family photographer, Sweetest Moments Photography, in Knoxville, TN. Sweetest Moments Photography specializes in lifestyle family, maternity, and newborn photography and services Knoxville and the surrounding areas. If you are interested in learning more about the photographer behind Sweetest Moments Photography, Hannah Bucklin, click here!


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